So the people did a road trip . . . a long road trip. . . without the dog.
Even though they know how much the dog likes road trips. The dog got to "go on his own vacation" at a "dog ranch." How is it really a vacation for the dog when the people only left dry kibble with the dog ranch folks for the dog to eat . . . knowing the dog does not much care for kibble? Food and vacation go together like bacon and eggs. I bet they didn't eat kibble. I bet they ate all sorts of stuff from all sorts of places.
I will say this for them, though. When the Lady and Mister picked me up at the "dog ranch," they were dismayed by how skinny I got. Well, the Lady was. The Mister said, "He needed to lose weight, Marc." Hmph. Fortunately the Lady didn't agree, and we've been having treats together since we all got home. Yahoo for pancakes!