Friday, November 23, 2012

Turns out Thanksgiving is about all-day eating--now that's a holiday I can get behind. Matter of fact, not only did I get behind it, I got right into it--turkey giblets, mashed potatoes, stuffing . . . I still have a little something crusty on my ear I can't seem to reach. So much irony in humans that are so ridiculous about fur on the couch one moment that they stack obstacles on it for me to remove before I can get comfortable, and then in the next moment they're celebrating a day of messy gluttony. My people are enigmas, God love 'em. Even now, my lady is eating apple pie out of the pie plate with a fork so as not to have to wash yet another dish. She takes me swimming one day, and then tries to put a ridiculous dog coat on me the next so I don't get wet. What is that about? I have to make it clear to her I am not going outside in a coat nearly every time she tries to get it out. Every time I think I have them trained the way I like them, they bring out something new to contend with. A witch's hat with green hair for the dog--I ask you! I'll tell you what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful Halloween is over. I'm also thankful that the lady thinks that apple pie is out of my reach when she puts it on top of the toaster oven. Happy day.

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