Saturday, February 23, 2013

Yesterday was this kind of day in Seattle. I took the lady and the mister for  a walk anyway, though. It's good for them to get out. The lady had to bang her umbrella on the ground several times during our walk to get it to go right side out. She hurt her back several days ago--which makes her mutter things she won't allow the girl and boy to say--so we've been doing short walks, and then we go home, and she sits on the heating pad and makes the darndest things. These are for children to wear on their fingers. Seems like the rest of their hands will still get cold, but she hasn't asked my opinion. Another recent creation, yep, seamonster earrings. These are meant to go in the holes people poke in their ears. 'Nuff said? Anyway, it seems to make her happy, making these things. And she does often hide cookies all around the house to "give Amos something to do" while she makes stuff, Dog bless her. She's a good girl. I'll give her a rest and let her make more things . . . as long as she keeps up the occasional cookie hunt.

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