Monday, April 22, 2013

Oh happy day--we have sunshine here today. The lady has promised to take me someplace fun--she made sure to clarify that it's someplace I think is fun. Because last week she took me to a not-fun place--and the week before too. But who's counting. I can smell the vet from a block away, and even though I make it clear to the lady that I do not intend on visiting the vet, she pulls me out of the car and into the clinic anyway. Where they try to bribe me with cookies before they poke me and look at my teeth. And I think to myself how can this possibly be a good thing? Last week, they poked me with something, and when I  woke up both my wrists were shaved and my teeth felt funny. And they tasted different. And for the rest of the day I felt weird. The lady wrapped a blanket around me and brought me cream cheese--oh, epiphany! Looking droopy and shivery equals cream cheese. Sorry to leave so abruptly, but suddenly I'm feeling a little peaked.


  1. I was kind of hoping to read your adventures in the sunshine not a trip to the vet. All in time I suppose.

  2. Oh, Tom, she did not fall for the droopy-dog-in-need-of-cream-cheese-pick-me-up routine, but she did take me for a walk in the sun. It started out so promising. We went to the park, you know the one I like, Tom, with the big field and the tennis courts that eject surprise balls from time to time? Anyway, she went to throw away a bag in the garbage and while she was gone, I found the most wonderful thing, Tom. The kind of thing that appeals to all of my senses--it was dark, gooey, adhered nicely to my coat and collar when I rolled in it, and let me tell you about the scent. Olfactory nirvana is what I"m sayin', Tom. Mmmmmm. Delirium. The lady did not not see it that way, though. I think the words she used were, "What the ___, Amos?!" followed by, "gross," and "bath, Mister." Yep. It was the hose and lavender shampoo for me in the backyard, Tom. I now smell like flowers with only a hint of my former scent-filled glory. If I wanted to smell like flowers, I'd roll in them. Honestly, Tom, the woman can be so exasperating.

  3. Do you think you have a good idea how to market that scent? Maybe you can convince the lady to help you out with a business.

  4. Oh, the indignity of it all! But cream cheese.....perhaps pride is an overrated virtue.
